Sixteen Bishop Kearney High School seniors were commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers during a Mass attended by their parents and friends, as well as pastors from the parishes they represent. These girls will be able to distribute Communion at Kearney’s liturgical functions and in their own parishes, as well as to the homebound and those unable to attend Mass. The girls included Allison Behette, Courtney Clerkin, Bridget Dalton, Mary Dolan, Lauren Episcopio, Tiffany Kushner, Florence Marchesano, Taryn Mondiello, Stefanie Mule, Meghan Murphy, Sara Rudloff, Agnes Skrodzki, Deirdre Stokes, Erin Tierney, Patricia Vasquez and Karoline Weslowloski. The girls are pictured after the ceremony with Sister Thomasine Stagnitta CSJ, Kearney’s principal, Sister Rosemarie Figlia CSJ, Kearney’s campus minister and Msgr. David Cassata (St. Athanasius), Msgr. Peter Kain (St. Ephrem) and Msgr. Curran (Blessed Trinity). Bishop Kearney is located at 2202 60th Street.