
32nd Annual Brighton Jubilee

Come to “Little Odessa,” the Russian capital of Brooklyn, for the Brighton Neighborhood Association’s 32nd Annual Brighton Jubilee, August 24 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. along Brighton Beach Avenue from Corbin Place to Coney Island Avenue, and then turning off CIA towards the beach.

The event will feature multi-cultural stages of entertainment, featuring Russian, Caribbean, and Spanish performers, as well as the classic rock of Frankie Marra’s Band and the Kings Chorus barbershop quartet.

Participants will also have a chance to take a photo with the “Geico,” enjoy kiddie rides, enjoy lots of wonderful food, and savor blocks upon blocks of bargains, goodies, and informational booths, such as Social Security, and the Office of Emergency Management.

For more, call Singer at 718-891-0800.