
A matter of pride

Community Board 13’s head remains firmly in the sand this week after once more failing to heed neighbors’ demands for an active role in Borough President Marty Markowitz’s drive to construct a new $64 million amphitheater inside Asser Levy Seaside Park.

“We in the community are reaching out to you to stop this project,” Al Turk, vice president of Temple Beth Abraham told CB 13 members gathered at Coney Island Hospital last week. “Let us be proud of CB 13 again and most important be proud of yourselves.”

Absent ULURP [Uniform Land Use Review Procedure] action, Markowitz hopes to win final approval for his controversial“Coney Island Center” from the Design Commission sometime in January.

The Design Commission, convening a public hearing last week at City Hall, delayed rendering its decision after considering the wider scope of the project. [see accompanying story].

In a letter to CB 13, Markowitz announced that he now intends to meet with the community board’s Parks Committee in February and entertain questions about the amphitheater from residents at that time.

Opponents of Markowitz’s plan to transform Asser Levy Seaside Park into a major new concert hub have been clamoring for just such a public meeting with the borough president for the better part of the year.

“Once the plan is finalized by the Art Commission [Design Commission], that’s it,” CB13 Chair Marion Cleaver said.

“So what’s the point of this public meeting you’re planning to have?” CB 13 member Bernard Kaufman wondered.

“Education,” responded Cleaver. “We need to educate our board members and ourselves.”

Longtime board member Lou Powsner said that the new amphitheater project demands public scrutiny through ULURP.

“There should be ULURP,” Powsner said. “It’s our land. It’s our park.”

While Markowitz views Asser Levy Park, located between Surf Avenue and West 5th Street, as the “Gateway to Coney Island,” residents who live in the apartment building surrounding the park say the green space lies squarely in residential Brighton Beach and should not be lumped into efforts to revitalize Coney Island’s amusement district.

“In January, if the Design Commission approves it %u2013 rubber stamp %u2013 no further approvals needed,” amphitheater critic Ida Sanoff warned. “If you think you are going to sit there in February and give comments, forget about it. It’s too late. Your February meeting is going to be pure B.S.”

Aside from sending a letter to Borough Hall last month seeking clarification about the proposed amphitheater, the leadership of CB 13 has steadfastly denied the group has any role to play in the battle between Markowitz and critics of the Coney Island Center.a

“I know you are an advisory committee only,” Arlene Brenner said. “Advise for us. Where are you and why aren’t you standing with us? This is a disastrous thing for our community.”

Local resident Carole Pozner expressed feelings about the board that many opposing Markowitz’s new amphitheater are feeling this week.

“I had hoped CB 13 would be our friend in this,” Pozner said. “But you have become our foe.”