
A special salute to outstanding nurses

A special salute to outstanding nurses

The Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation, a member of the Beth Abraham Family of Health Services, acknowledges the outstanding performances of three employees from the staff of its skilled nursing facility who have received awards:Marcelle France, Clinical CNA; Georgia Stewart, RN, and Kay Cato, CNA.

“We are proud to have such dedicated professionals on our staff,” said Executive Director of CNR Winsome McLean-Davis.“Their hard work and commitment to nursing has earned them heart-felt appreciation from their patients and tremendous respect from their colleagues.”

France, a CNR employee for 13 years, was selected as a recipient of the 2009 Long-Term Care Employee of Distinction Award by the New York Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (NYAHSA). This award was created to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of the front line staff working in NYAHSA member organizations.

Stewart, a CNR employee for nine years, received the 2009 Nurse of Distinction Award from the 1199SEIU Union. This award celebrates and recognizes the achievements of outstanding RNs in 1199SEIU institutions. Stewart received a nursing degree through the union’s training fund, and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Cato, a CNR employee for 11 years, was named first runner-up for the Black Long-Term Care Executive Certified Nursing Assistant Scholarship, sponsored by Stonebridge Medical for Certified Nursing Assistants who are attending an accredited nursing program. Cato is currently a student at Hostos Community College where she is pursuing her LPN certificate.

CNR is located at 596 Prospect Place in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. For more, go towww.cnr.org or www.bethabe.org.