
Annual health fair coming

Community residents are invited to participate in the fifth Annual Health Fair/Street Fair, June 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in front of the Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, One Brookdale Plaza betweenRockaway Parkway and Linden Boulevard.

People of all ages are invited to participate in health screenings and obtain information from the many Brookdale departments participating in the fair. They will be able to learn about good nutrition for the whole family, diabetes and hypertension, the use of the emergency department, self-examination for breast cancer, HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, bariatric surgery and hyperbaric medicine and wound healing, among others.

There will be activities for children including face painting, magician and lots of other surprises, and vendors and delicious food will compliment the festivities.

Brookdale is also providing the opportunity for local community boards and other organizations involved in community betterment to have tables of information of value to families attending the fair. The Police Precincts will join with tables on the prevention of domestic violence and drug education, and the Fire Department will be there to give fire safety demonstrations.

For more, call 718-240-5000.