
Bark the Herald Angels Sing!

Deck your pooches in holiday finery and come and join Tony Chiappelloni, president of FIDO to celebrate the holidays in this annual Bark The Herald Angels Sing event on December 12 (rain date 12/13), from 8 to 10 a.m. at Prospect Park at the Long Meadow beside the Picnic House in Brooklyn.

There will be a sing-a-long (for the humans) of holiday favorites along with coffee, mulled cider and chew bones for man’s best friend. Santa will also pay a visit and hand out special holiday treats and gifts for the pooches.

Enter the park at 9th Street and walk straight toward the ball fields; then make a left along the meadow and you’ll see the FIDO banner.

For additional information call Bob Ipcar at 917-817-0260 or e-mail bipcar@gmail.com. For information on FIDO e-mail to fidobrooklyn@gmail.com or visit www.fidobrooklyn.org.