
Bay Ridge bar bends to neighborhood pressure

Neighbors of a noisy Bay Ridge bar can look forward to a respite.

Shenanigan’s, at 8901 Third Avenue, is having soundproofing installed, according to the establishment’s manager, Wendy Miller.

Miller told members of Community Board 10, gathered in the community room at Shore Hill, 9000 Shore Road, for their September meeting, that the soundproofing of the bar is currently underway.

The owners of the bar began the soundproofing during a 10-day period in which their liquor license was suspended by the State Liquor Authority because of non-payment of a fine that was levied on them.

In addition, said Miller, the bar would be beefing up its security. “That way,” she told the group, “there will be no more problems with Shenanigans on Third.”

“Is that a promise?” one board member wanted to know.

“It’s not a promise, but I’m going to do my best,” Miller rejoined.

Shenanigans has been the subject of at least two Police and Public Safety Committee meetings, at which angry neighbors spoke at length about the loudness of the music and the degree of disturbance from the watering hole.

Most recently, at last month’s committee meeting, board members “listened for almost an hour to the residents,” reported Susan Pulaski, the committeechairperson. “The residents said that they are frustrated, disgusted and feel helpless that their complaints do not produce results. They are sleep-deprived, their quality of life and health are being jeopardized, and they feel that they are being held hostage by the situation.”

“It’s the loudest music I’ve ever heard,” attested Josephine Beckmann, the board’s district manager, in a subsequent interview. “I can’t understand at all the volume of music at the location.”

City Councilmember Vincent Gentile said during the board meeting that he was optimistic that the changes will benefit nearby residents. Besides the soundproofing, he said, he had been told by the bar management that they “have stopped the live band in back.

“Hopefully,” he added, “when they reopen with the new soundproofing and sensitivity to our community, we’ll be able to live together.”