On Sunday, September 13, at The El Caribe Country Club, located at 5945 Strickland Ave, Susan Eaton and her family, will be hosting their third benefit called “FUNTASIA.”
The benefit is to raise awareness and necessary funds, in the hopes of finding a cure for Multiple Hereditary Exostoses (MHE).
MHE is a rare debilitating and hereditary bone disease which has affected Eaton’s son Vincent, as well as many other children and adults throughout the country.
Vincent, who is now 14 1/2 years old, was first diagnosed with MHE at the age of 6 months old and since then, he has undergone 14 operations to lengthen limbs and correct angular deformities of his hands, arms and legs.
MHE is a genetic bone disorder in which benign cartilage-capped tumors grow from the growth plates of long bones from the surface of flat bones throughout the body. These exostoses can cause numerous problems that put limitations on victims.
There are many people afflicted with this disease that are un-aware that the MHEResearch Foundation exists.
This Foundation is dedicated to promoting and encouraging research to find the causes, treatments, and ultimately the cure for MHE.It also provides support and information to individuals and families living with this rare bone disorder.
This is only the beginning of a long journey to help Vincent and the others who suffer from MHE.
For more information about “Funtasia” please contact Susan Eaton @ SuzyQ112161@aol.com or call (917)848-7774.