
BSSU Marchers make Mermaid Avenue merry

BSSU Marchers make Mermaid Avenue merry

Marching bands, floats, and banner groups flocked to the streets to hail Brooklyn-Queens Day with a parade presented by the Brooklyn Sunday School Union (BSSU).

Led by the Coney Island, Marlborough and Bensonhurst divisions, the annual jaunt marked the 179th anniversary of BSSU, and the 23rd anniversary of the Coney Island division.

The line of march began at Stillwell and Mermaid avenues and proceeded to United Community Baptist Church, 2701 Mermaid Avenue, for culminating ceremonies.

The Reverend Larnie Mobley led the procession.

Brooklyn-Queens Day is popularly known simply as a day off school. Originally, it celebrated the birth of Brooklyn’s Sunday School Union in the early 1800s. The day was also known as “Rally Day,” or “Anniversary Day.”