
Confidential! Notes reveal that goose massacre was unnecessary

Federal Wildlife Services: How far outside the airport?

U.S. Department of Agriculture: A five-mile radius is sensible, not further than five miles.

Kim Wagner of Wildlife Services: Geese will be hardest to control in parks. [There is] an emotional issue. [We] need to know how to handle [it].

Department of Environmental Protection: According to the Federal Aviation Administration in previous … meetings, five miles is just a number. The liability issue can extend 30 miles [and] influence any large area.

USDA: No additional studies will occur. … [We] need to pick a distance.

DEP: [Can we] put to rest the five-mile limit? [We are] not satisfied.

Port Authority of NY and NJ: Five miles is a huge area to manage.

Jamaica Bay representative: Five miles is good.