
Diabetes campaign

Members of the Knights of Pythias’ Genesis Lodge No. 64 in Canarsie will actively support the fraternal order’s statewide participation in the Knights of Pythias Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the fraternal order’s fight against Juvenile Diabetes.

The current campaign is being kicked off by the 2008 Walk to Cure Diabetes scheduled for October 26 at the Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens. This message will try to reach the many lodges in the Pythian Domain in addition to the various communities in the area, urging strong support in the fight against Juvenile Diabetes.

One in every 17 men, women and children of every color, creed and class are afflicted with this disease. Thousands more will go blind, have an amputation or suffer another devastating complication. According to research, Diabetes kills more than AIDS or breast cancer the Knights of Pythias Juvenile Diabetes Committee exclaimed.

Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 10 a.m. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is associated with most major scientific breakthroughs in Type 1 diabetes to date. JDRF Walks are fun and family-friendly, featuring plenty of entertainment, food, and kids’ activities. Join in the effort with half a million people who want to make a difference in the lives of people living with type 1 diabetes.

JDRF’s goal is to find a cure, fast. Your contribution to support JDRF funded research will help those living with the disease and look forward to longer, healthier lives. Take your first step by registering today.

The support of health-oriented causes is a long-standing tradition of the Knights of Pythias — the nation’s oldest fraternal order — founded more than a century ago.

Contact Robert Kaufman at 718-375-8931 if you are interested in participating in this worthwhile cause.