
Emergency preparation course

Do you know what to do in an emergency situation? Learn how, learn now at an Emergency Preparedness Workshop, June 17 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at 5506 Church Avenue in Flatbush. Breakfast and refreshments will be served.

As part of its commitment to serve the Brooklyn community, CNR’s Adult Day Health Care Program has teamed up with the American Red Cross of Greater New York and New York City Office of Emergency Management to speak about how individuals can take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes and communities.

“It is vital that Americans take steps to prepare for emergencies at home, work or school,” said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. “Personal preparedness is paramount to effectively reacting to the effects of a disaster. By preparing yourself, your family, and your businesses, you allow first responders to prioritize efforts and aid.”

Designed to prepare individuals and families for emergencies, the presentation will serve as an opportunity for attendees to learn how to create family disaster plans, build and maintain supply kits, and keep loved ones safe and informed during times of disaster.

Space is limited — RSVP by calling Estelita Villafane at 718-346-2040 extension 10 or Jackie Kennedy Saddler at 718-636-1000 extension 437.

For more, visit www.bethabe.org.