We learn and appreciate more of our country when we, once again, examine AMERICA %u2013 BY THE NUMBERS.
Since several members of Congress did not face their constituents during the recent summer break, here’s the question being asked on talk radio, in newspapers, in barber shops and bars all over America: Is it OK to hold town hall meetings on the phone?One popular newspaper offered readers four choices. 1) NO. It is a chicken move by lawmakers who don’t want to face the public. 2) YES. It is not always convenient for legislators to do it in person. 3) NO. It is a lazy cop-out and lawmakers should be out in public explaining health care in person. And 4) YES. It might tone down the mob and make things more civil to do it all on the phone.
This particular liberal newspaper is published in a heavily favored Democrat area and with all of the left wing propaganda about domestic terrorism, Astroturf and mobs one would think that answer number four would have garnered a terrific reaction. Nope. It caught less than 10 percent of those who responded. Answer number one, at 74.4 percent of those who participated came in first. Wow! Three of every four gave their ‘chicken’ representatives the middle finger salute. Those reps better watch their tuchuses at the next election.
Americans love their sugar. By drinking sodas, eating cookies, candy and other foods containing sugar, we consume the equivalent of 22 teaspoons of sugar a day. When the investigation focuses on teenagers, that number jumps to 34 teaspoons of sugar a day.
With 69,000 pizza joints scattered across this nation it’s no wonder that every man, woman and child devours an average of 46 slices a year. That’s the equivalent of 23 pounds of pizza pie.
Is anyone interested in the stats about obesity and diabetes?
I know we spoke about this several columns ago but here are the most recent numbers. According to Mr. Gallop, one of the most respected pollsters in the world, Americans who approve of labor unions fell to 48 percent, down from 59 percent a year ago. Over on the Rasmussen side we find that 45 percent of Americans say that labor unions make our country weaker while only 26 percent believe that unions make our country stronger. We have to believe that that these numbers have a lot to do with President Obama giving our taxes to General Motors and the UAW.
Is it because of the “Fair and Balanced” slogan? Or maybe it’s because of better news and opinion coverage. Perhaps it’s because of controversial hosts O’Reilly, Hannity and Beck.Whatever it is, more of America is tuning in to watch Fox News. The network’s viewership is up 11 percent this year while rivals MSNBC and CNN are tanking. I think it is because Fox parades out the most intelligent beautiful blonds found anywhere.
I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net wishing my Jewish friends a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year. Is it 5770 already? And I just became accustomed to writing 5769.