
Lions golf outing

Fore! The South Brooklyn Lions Club is hosting their annual Memorial Golf Outting, on June 12 at the Dyker Beach Golf Course.

Tee off is at 9 a.m. with breakfast and lunch at the Course, 86th Street, between 7th and 12th aves, (718−836−9722). Dinner follows at 4 p.m. at the GreenHouse Cafe, 7717 3rd Avenue, 718−833−8200).

Pre−register prior to June 6.

Donation −

Golf and Dinner, $150, includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and golf costs;

Golf Only $90 includes Golf Costs.

Dinner Only $60.

Awards will be given for lowest gross, lowest net, longest drive and closest to pin.

Foursomes go off at once.