
Make Music NY ’08

The Flatbush Development Corporation, and Flatbush Avenue, Church Avenue, and Flatbush Nostrand Junction BIDs (business improvement districts) have collaborated to organize and publicize the Flatbush edition of “Make Music New York,” an annual citywide free music event, June 21.

As last year’s event, there were more than 500 locations throughout the city, and this year there are expected to be many more. “Make Music New York” in its Flatbush locations will feature a full afternoon of music in the street, in convenient locations, within easy walking distance to each other.

Join the greater Flatbush community in celebrating summer with Make Music New York-Flatbush Edition, at the following locations: corner of Church & Ocean avenues, 2-5 p.m.; corner of Flatbush & Church avenues, 2-6 p.m.; 1456 Flatbush Avenue between Glenwood & Farragut roads at Ladies Workout Express, 1:30-6 p.m.; Newkirk Plaza Block Party between East 16th and East 17th streets, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Performers will represent styles ranging from soul to hip hop, gospel to techno-jazz, spoken word to rock.