Chag sameach!
Everyone had a freilichen Purim at the Land-O-Fun in Sheepshead Bay on March 23. More than 200 people from the community came out to celebrate the holiday, which commemorates the Jewish people’s deliverance from the evil Haman, by reading the Book of Esther. With mounds of Hamantaschen, good food, friends, and costumes, the event — hosted by the Chabad of Sheepshead Bay — was a great success, said the Chabad’s Rabbi Shlomo Cohen.
“We had a very nice turnout, and the kids had a great time, and we celebrated the holiday,” he said. “To commemorate the holiday is the uniting of the people together, to increase friendship among the people — and love — and also give charity and have a festive meal.”
Dressed as Mordechai — the leader of the Jews and the biblical Queen Esther’s cousin — 2-year-old Shimmy Cohen had a blast, his dad said.
“Did he have fun? He didn’t want to leave,” said Yudi Cohen.
But dressing up wasn’t just for kids. Moshe Kuperman, whose 2-year-old son came in a monkey costume, made an appearance as Donald Trump after he saw the costume in the store, he said.
“We really went shopping for the boy, but we thought it was really something cute to wear,” said Kuperman, who said The Donald is his man come November.