Hendrickson Street is the prime target for speeding dollar van drivers, according to Marine Park residents.
“We have a problem with Kings Plaza with dollar vans,” Marine Park Civic Association President Greg Borruso said at the group’s meeting last week. “They’re constantly speeding down, idling, and becoming a nuisance on that block.”
There’s also accusations of disorderly conduct.
“We’ve had complaints of urination,” Borruso said.
Block residents have repeatedly called the police to report the vehicles and the drivers’ behavior but haven’t received the desired results.
“Sometimes by the time the police show up, it’s gone,” Borruso said of the speeding vans.
Hendrickson Street, as well as Kimball and Coleman streets, are new thoroughfares for dollar van drivers.
In years past, dollar van drivers transporting passengers to and from Kings Plaza favored quiet Mill Basin streets to avoid traffic on Flatbush Avenue. Residents accused the vans of speeding, driving recklessly and littering streets with trash. The police ultimately cordoned off East 52nd, East 53rd and East 54th streets between Avenues T and U to prevent drivers from using their streets as raceways.
Borruso suggested having a stronger police presence on Hendrickson Street to monitor the dollar vans.
“Maybe have a post on that block,” Borruso said.
Officers from the 63rd Precinct said they’re doing all they can to prevent dollar van drivers from breaking the law.
“Every month, every day, we have the cops out there. We’re issuing summonses and seizing vehicles,” Sgt. Christine Bastedenbeck explained. “If you see them and they’re doing something illegal, please continue to call us.”
A 911 dispatch operator present at the Marine Park Civic meeting encouraged residents to write down the description of the van and driver, license plate number, and time of the alleged misconduct.