
Obama bad, unions worse and ‘more to love’

I have to tell you something. I know you’re going to find this hard to believe because knana hurra, pooh. pooh, pooh, I look so good, but here it is. I am a senior citizen. Really. I am. I’ve been collecting social security for %u2026. a few years now %u2026. and, as a senior citizen, most of the people I hang with are also %u2026%u2026 old. I’m finding out now that almost all of those older folks have two things in common. One %u2013 uncertain of their medical future they’re rushing like they’ve never rushed before to do whatever medical procedures they’ve been putting off. Colonoscopy, cataract, Pap smear, mammogram. And two %u2013 when asked about the 08 presidential election they wish they could take their vote back. They don’t just say it, they bellow, they curse, they hand up a middle finger salute and always, in every case, finish by spitting on the ground.It gives me such pleasure to see such colossal enthusiasm from old people.


Last year it was considered racist to mention Barack Obama’s middle name. In fact, conservative talk show host, Mike Gallagher, was scolded by many on the right for mentioning it. Now we have kindergarteners all over the nation singing the praises of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. We were promised change and this is just one.


There are numerous reasons why unions have fallen from grace. After many years of declining membership 2009 numbers show that they seem to be on the rise again. Here’s one reason why some of us still don’t like them.

In order to earn his Eagle Scout Badge, seventeen year old Kevin Anderson of Allentown, PA, spent more than 200 hours clearing a park trail. When his job was finished, union delegate Nick Balzano, of the Service Employees International Union, threatened to file a grievance. He claims that only union members are permitted to work in the park.“There’s to be no volunteers.”

I have two questions. 1) Wouldn’t it be a lot better for the union’s P.R. if, while griping, Balzano played it down at the same time by offering the youngster a pat on the back for his efforts? And 2) why did he wait for the job to be finished before speaking out? Someone is now being paid for the work done by the youngster. I think we know why, don’t we?


Are you a very large single person and are embarrassed to join online dating clubs because of your size? There is now a dating site created especially for you. It’s for those guys and gals who have more to love and you’ll find it on MORETOLOVE.COM. Please let me know what you think. Everybody deserves happiness.


An open note to Chuck Schumer %u2013 Senator Reid bought the vote of the Senator from Louisiana for $300 million dollars. New York is going broke. How much are you getting for us for your vote? Nothing?Waddya mean nothing? Such a powerful Senator and you’re getting us nothing? What kind of Senator are you?


I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.netdoing a Crossword puzzle. ‘End of life’, 5 letters across. Can’t think of the word. Help me.