
‘Our Town’ gets fresh life on an I.S. 278 stage

‘Our Town’ gets fresh life on an I.S. 278 stage

The students of Marine Park Intermediate School 278 christened their new “Little Theater” in style.

The advanced drama students performed Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town” for their parents, faculty, and fellow students in the Little Theater, a small blackbox−style theater designed for performing small plays, skits, and other drama workshops.

Under the direction of drama teacher Amy Wilkenson, the show was a huge success. Some of the standouts were Jessica Zhelezko as “Emily Webb,” George Lamont as “George Gibbs,” Justin Lawrence as “Dr. Gibbs,” Zainab Aslam as “Mrs. Webb,” Odyssey Aquinchay as “Mrs. Gibbs,” Von Brown as “Mr. Webb,” and Rebecca Nussbaum, Chelsea Walker, and Aldiana Hot in the parts of the “Stage Managers.”

The drama program, in addition to its award−winning music department, has become one of the draws for neighborhood students to attend school at Marine Park IS 278, 1925 Stuart Street. Many of Marine Park’s students have auditioned for and will be attending high schools known for their outstanding performing arts programs.

In the spring, the students will be performing “Guys and Dolls” in the auditorium.