
Park clean up

Take ownership of your green spaces and join Prospect Park for a day of cleaning and greening one of New York’s most magnificent public recreation areas, May 17.

Spend a day making the park you love look even better. Join a group of enthusiastic volunteers who will be sprucing up around the playgrounds, painting the wrought iron fence, and cleaning along paths.

Meet at the Parkside and Ocean avenues entrance to Prospect Park. The cleanup — part of a citywide park beautification effort — runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.

Groups of 10 or more must register in advance. People of all ages and abilities, individuals, and groups are welcome. Students can receive community service credit for participating.

For more, email volunteers@prospectpark.org, call 718-965-8960, visit www.prospectpark.org, or dial 311.