
People’s summit on development

Area residents are invited to join Community Board 6 Board members Brad Lander, Elly Spicer, Bob Zuckerman and Craig Hammerman at the free People’s Accountable Development Summit, May 31 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The People’s Accountable Development Summit, organized by The South Brooklyn Accountable Development Initiative, a project of the Fifth Avenue Committee, seeks to create dialogue and forge alliances among residents and various community stake holders in Brooklyn facing large developments, re-zonings and other land use changes.

The centerpiece of the summit will be a series of panel discussions on four major accountable development topics: Housing, Labor, Environment, and Process.

The summit will take place at PS 282, 180 Sixth Avenue between Lincoln and Berkley places in Park Slope.

This event is free. Food, childcare and Spanish translation will be provided.

For more, contact Powell at dpowell@fifthave.org or call 718-237-2017 extension 148.