Toll Brothers’ Gowanus plan has gone virtual.
The private developer announced this week the launch of a new website in connection with its proposed 460-unit residential development in the Gowanus.
According to the company, the website, will provide updates and information to the Gowanus community throughout the planning, zoning review.
Toll’s plan calls for a 605,380-square-foot development with 477 residential units, with roughly 140 of those being affordable.
The massive project, proposed on two city blocks bounded by the canal, Bond Street, 2nd Street and Carroll Street, calls for 1,500 square feet of commercial space, and 1,500 square feet of community facility space, and 268 parking spaces. Landscaped public access to the canal is also planned.
Buildings will range in height from six to 12 stories, taller as they approach the canal.
If the project is approved after a lengthy public review, construction phases will also be detailed, allowing members of the public to send comments and suggestions to the development team.
“ will be an important part of our continuing dialogue with the Gowanus community,” said David Von Spreckelsen, vice-president of Toll Brothers City Living. “We’ll post information as our project moves through the governmental review process, and look forward to receiving comments back from the community.”
The website allows users to view a map of the project site and renderings of the future development, and offers descriptions of the project’s components, including the affordable housing program, publicly accessible waterfront open space, neighborhood retail, parking, community facility space, site remediation and infrastructure improvements.