
16 too young to vote, say Bklynites

Efforts to give kids as young as 16 an opportunity to join local community boards as full-fledged voting members are likely to face a tough sell here in Brooklyn.

City Councilmember Gale Brewer of Manhattan, Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh of Manhattan and Senator Andrew Lanza of Staten Island think it’s a great idea, but the prospect of having teenagers weigh in on important zoning and land use issues leaves many Brooklynites cold.

“Forget it,” Community Board 15 Chair Theresa Scavo said. “You tell me that a 16-year-old is capable of understanding the ramifications of a liquor license.”

The youth advocacy group Future Voters of America has petitioned Brewer to back the effort. Two years ago, the same group sought to get the legal voting age in local elections lowered to 16.

Scavo said that kids that age just aren’t mature enough to responsibly deliberate on matters impacting the community.

“What happens when I have a representative and he’s an attractive young guy