
26th Annual night out against crime

It was a sight to see: cops sharing donuts with happy kids.

But that was just one of many pleasant sights one spied upon as cops and Park Slope residents took back the streets Tuesday during the 26th Annual National Night Out Against Crime celebration.

Stepping to the beat belted out by the Pan American Marching Band, dozens of residents joined cops from the 78th Precinct for the annual neighborhood march from the corner of Fifth Avenue and Sterling Place to Grand Army Plaza, where donuts, treats and other goodies were doled out.

Beaming with pride, everyone toasted their unified efforts in bringing down crime in the area — an effort backed up by NYPD statistics.

According to recent numbers, crime in Park Slope has dropped 7 percent. Robberies in the neighborhood have fallen by 17 percent, officials said.

Since the first National Night Out was established back in the early 1980s, residents have gathered to heighten crime and drug awareness, learn about local anti-crime programs and strengthen both neighborhood spirit and the bonds between the community and their NYPD protectors.

National Night Out Against Crime events were held throughout the borough. Throughout the night, police hand out reams of important information about how you can better protect your homes, cars and property. Event attendees are also encouraged to enroll in special NYPD programs.