
Marauders violently rob victim


Bensonhurst—Bath Beach

Pushed down

A group of robbers shoved a man and stole $800 from his pocket on 72nd Street on Dec. 18.

The victim told police that the good-for-nothings pushed him to the ground between 14th and 15th avenues at 3:50 am, before nabbing the cash and his driver’s license from his back pocket. 

The victim suffered a minor contusion to his nose, according to police reports.

Going postal!

A man accused his mailman of stealing nearly $2,000 worth of electronics from his 70th Street porch on Dec. 15!

The victim told police that surveillance footage caught the mail carrier swiping $1,958 worth of electronics from in front of the victim’s 17th Avenue house at 1:21 pm.

What a tool!

Cops cuffed a teenager for allegedly throwing a rake at his friend on 62nd Street on Dec. 17.

The victim told police that the 19-year-old defendant threw a rake at him outside his home between 16th and 17th avenues at 8:35 pm, before breaking several items on his porch. 

The victim suffered minor lacerations and redness to his leg, according to police reports.

Bottled up anger

Police arrested a man for allegedly attacking a victim with a bottle on W. Fourth Street on Dec. 18.

The victim told police that the suspect smacked him over the head repeatedly with a beer bottle between Avenue P and Avenue O at 2:40 am, causing a laceration and heavy bleeding.