The last thing on my agenda in 2006 was write a weekly column, but you know what they say: man plans, God laughs his butt off.
Wanting nothing more than to have a comfortable part-time job close to home, my tenure at Bay News began in 1997 as a typist in the editorial department. I would type set the various press releases along with the weekly columns for Stanley Gershbein, Carmine Santa Maria, Lou Powsner and Sol Polish.
But in 2006, while at my daughter’s recital, I locked my keys in the car and left it running. Granted, this was not a life-altering event by any means, but for me a most serendipitous occurrence. The firemen in Staten Island were so kind and responded so quickly they saved the day.
I was so appreciative that I wrote an open letter to the editor of our now-defunct Staten Island edition, thanking them for their assistance. After reading the letter, my editor, obviously impressed with my prose, suggested I consider writing a weekly column.
With some further encouragement from fellow columnist, Shavana Abruzzo, that small moment of despair I had while anxiously waiting for help to arrive morphed into this column. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Because of the Bay News, I’ve had a most wonderful opportunity to share the adventures of my family and my views on matters ranging from the price of utilities, to the state of grace and ungrace of our political leaders, to pot holders with the many readers that welcome the Bay News into their homes every week.
A co-worker once said that working for the Bay News was like being part of a big family, a great big dysfunctional family, but family nevertheless.
Not for nuthin’, she was right and I’m grateful that I have been able to be a part of it for so many years.
Happy 65th birthday, Bay News.