
A little bit of this and a little bit of that

In the song, “Anatevka,” from “Fiddler On The Roof,” Golde sings the lyrics “A little bit of this, and a little bit of that.”

This week my column is just like that lyric.

What do the following words have in common? Meltdown, windbag bully, crack-up, out of control, disgraceful, condescending, unworthy, smirked, discourteous, incessant smugness, disrespectful, obnoxious, rude, interruptive, dismissiveness, and unhinged lunatic.

Don’t know?

They were all used to describe Joe Biden after the vice presidential debate by reporters on both sides of the aisle.

Three more Jewish scientists won Nobel Prizes last week. Shocking. How many does that make? There was also a Nobel Prize awarded to the European Union. For what? Rioting? Please don’t tell me that it won the prize for keeping the peace. Tell it to the store owners who boarded up their windows during the uprisings and could not earn a living for weeks at a time.

When one mentions the name of our president in a crowd, everybody knows someone who has regrets. I wonder if there are enough of the people with voter’s remorse to affect the results of this election.

Near the exit at most restaurants are mints, business cards, and toothpicks. Less and less eateries give away matches. I don’t smoke but I still need them to light the candles on my grandchildren’s birthday cakes.

My Ellen says that America is not better off now than it was four years ago. What gave it away, El? Is it because the price of gas is now double what is was then or is it because the number of people on food stamps has increased to 47 million? Maybe you feel that way because our country’s debt has been increased by $5.5 trillion while there is a $4,500 drop in annual household income. Twenty-three million of us are out of work and the number of homes that are in foreclosure is now up to 5.5 million. Yup. You are correct. This country is NOT better off than it was four years ago, and it is time for a change.

To the reader who accused me of being un-American because I disagree with President Obama: I love baseball, apple pie, and freedom of speech. Oh, and I hate soccer. Can I be more American than that?

Seventy-two-year-young Roger Ailes, head honcho over at Fox News, just signed a new contract for four more years. Last year he earned $21 million. Can you imagine how much more he would be earning if he was able to throw a fastball?

To my president: 14 percent of several million is a lot more than 30 percent of a couple of hundred thousand. Stop talking percentages and start counting the dollars.

Terrorists don’t give a damn about taking our lives. Shouldn’t we be taking theirs? From a very recent poll – 69 percent of Americans favor assassinating known terrorists. What are we waiting for?

In her attempts to boost the economy in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel is proposing tax cuts. Sound familiar?

Other than raising my taxes, there is no agenda for the next four years that President Obama will admit to. All we hear is that if he is re-elected (god forbid) to another term we will stay the course, no changes, nothing different. Albert Einstein said that doing the same things and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

Let me correct this common error right now. United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice is not related to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Condi’s cousin is Civil Rights Attorney Constance “Connie” Rice.

The response from the White House on the Benghazi debacle is currently known as the Sargent Schultz defense – “I know nothing!” Why is Hillary taking the fall for the current administration in the cover up? What did Axelrod promise her?

Considering that he had to fight off both the president and the biased moderator, Candy Crowley, at the Hofstra debate, Mitt Romney really did well.

Chutzpah is “inviting” wealthy people to a $40,000-a-plate fund-raiser and then talking about how greedy wealthy Americans are. Stupidity is sitting there listening to it.

A Barbaric b—— shot a 14-year-old Muslim child because she dared to speak out in favor of education for women. I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net asking you to join me as I pray for her recovery.

Read Stan Gershbein's column every Monday on BrooklynDaily.com.