
Al e Mo square dancing season returns

The new season of the Al e Mo Squares square-dancing club — dedicated to the teaching, preservation and promoting of traditional American square-dancing — begins September 10 at 7 p.m.

The following week, September 17, the group will hold a free open house for singles and couples of all ages who, if they are interested in commit to attending on Wednesday evenings, will learn how to square dance.

Al e Mo Squares holds weekly workshops at Our Lady of Grace Church, East Fourth Street and Avenue W, two blocks west of Ocean Parkway.

Al e Mo Squares is one of the largest square dancing clubs in the tri-state area, with about 150 members. They recently celebrated their 30th anniversary. The club also runs parties, barn dances and joins other clubs in the region for festivals.

In addition to square-dancing activities, Al e Mo Squares raises funds for local charities, gives free demonstrations at street fairs, civic events, nursing homes and hospitals in the metropolitan area, and collects food and clothing for the homeless.

For more, email alemosquares@aol.com or contact Kathy Colucci at 718-375-1788.