
Alleged speeding drunk mows down, kills woman on sidewalk

Alleged speeding drunk mows down, kills woman on sidewalk
Photo by Mark Mellone

A 53-year-old Gravesend woman was mowed down on a sidewalk by an alleged drunk driver in the wee-hours Saturday morning.

Karin Eberts-Ayub was alive, but unconscious, when cops arrived. However, paramedics soon declared her dead at the scene.

The 25-year-old suspect was speeding west-bound along Shore Parkway near Bragg Street at 2 am, when he lost control of his Ford Fusion, cops said. It jumped the curb and ran over Eberts-Ayub before ultimately landing on top of a fence lining a nearby ball field, according to police.

Her body remained on the sidewalk, shrouded, as paramedics carted the injured suspect off to Lutheran Hospital. He’s being charged with criminally negligent homicide, driving while intoxicated, and speeding, among other charges.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.