
Amerikick brings home trophies

Amerikick brings home trophies

Once again, Amerikick of Brooklyn has shown that hard work and dedication brings out the winner in each of its students and instructors.

When the competitions were done, each student walked away placing within the top 3 of each of their Divisions.

One of the youngest, Jose Dumas, who just moved into the Advanced 10-11 year old group, took 2nd place in a large and tough division.

The next group to claim their place in the top 3 were in the Advanced 12-13 year old group, Forms Division, Daniel Napolitano taking 2nd and Marquez Vargas sealing his spot with 3rd place. Sweeping the Sparring Division in the advance 14-15 year old group, Jesse Arango took 1st, with Nelson Zuniga taking 2nd and David Davydov holding a tough 3rd.

Next up in the Intermediate group 18-29 Men’s, Adrian Wilson proudly won 1st place in Weapons and 1st place in Point Sparring. John Laquente representing the 18-29 year old Brown Belt, showed his intense Form taking 1st place with the highest scores. In the Advanced 18-29 Men’s group, Ricky Taylor kept his focus during a challenging Weapons routine, taking 2nd place.

The girls were not to be left behind, Letticia Dumas competing in the Advance 12-13 year old Division, sparring her way through the tough competitors took a proud 3rd in a tough match. Another show for the girls, Erica DeJesus competing in the Advance 16-17 year old Division, sparred her way to 1st place.

Sensei Alex Davydov had his hands full traveling from ring to ring, coaching, supporting and monitoring his students’ performance. Thanks to Sensei Alex’s experience and knowledge immediately protested the participation of a specific judge that lacked experience with scoring, had now made the competition fair for all students, not just his own.

Sensei Manny Brown was asked to sit in as a judge, which when it came to his own students, he demanded more from their performance.

Senseis Ross Levine and Vlad Davydov when not competing were present in their students’ rings encouraging and monitoring their performances.

Sensei Vlad while having the support of his students cheer along the side of the ring fought a long tough battle while sparring taking a commanding 3rd place in the Black Belt Division. Sensei Ross sweeping his Division taking 1st in Creative Weapons, 1st in Traditional Weapons and 1st in overall Sparring Grand Champion and Defending Champion of the Big Apple Super fight heavy weight in his Black Belt class.

The night show featuring Sensei Ross (aka Turbo) received standing cheers from 3 rows of his supporting students and parents. A highly energized event which brought bumps and bruises from and to the Black Belts who competed. Once again Sensei Ross showed his competitive side and did as he preaches to his students by staying focused and steady and defended his title once again. It was a proud moment for Amerikick of Brooklyn.

Amerikick of Brooklyn has two locations, 5815 5th Avenue and 529- 5th Avenue.