
AND SO IT GOES! Vonnegut dirt-box destroyed!

AND SO IT GOES! Vonnegut dirt-box destroyed!
The Brooklyn Paper / Julie Rosenberg

The worm-filled Kurt Vonnegut compost box on Columbia Street is sleeping with the fishes.

One day after The Brooklyn Paper broke the story about the Vonnegut-emblazoned food scrap recycling project, a roving reporter happened by to discover the horrific crime scene.

The chest of drawers, which had been filled with worms busily converting organic material into soil, had been knocked over.

One day after The Brooklyn Paper reported on it, the Kurt Vonnegut compost box on Columbia Street was destroyed by vandals.
The Brooklyn Paper / Julie Rosenberg

Though it is unclear whether the worms had been affected, locals were horrified.

“I can’t believe it was ruined so quickly,” said Lynnette Wiley of Jalopy, the guitar shop and music hall further down Columbia Street. “That’s a bummer.”

The late Vonnegut, a known recycler (if only a literary one), couldn’t have said it better himself.

The box in happier times.
The Brooklyn Paper / Bess Adler