
Annoucing ‘Brooklyn Paper Radio’ — launching on Dec. 7

Annoucing ‘Brooklyn Paper Radio’ — launching on Dec. 7
New York Daily News / Todd Maisel

Coming soon, your chance to hear The Brooklyn Paper!

On Monday, Dec. 7, Community News Group and The Brooklyn Paper will launch Brooklyn Paper Radio, a live weekly talk show as brash, outspoken, and gutsy as the borough it represents.

Providing that point of view will be hosts Gersh Kuntzman and Vince DiMiceli along with a slew of in-studio guests including local politicians and celebrities, staff reporters, and telephone call ins and outs with just about anybody ready to go head to head with the two grizzled veterans of the Brooklyn journalism.

“ ‘Brooklyn Paper Radio’ will give Brooklynites, and indeed everyone else on earth, a chance to hear the news like never before,” said Community News Group Chief Executive Officer Les Goodstein. “And Vinny and Gersh are the perfect guys to bring it to them.”

Kuntzman, a top editor at the New York Daily News who spent the five best years of his life as editor of The Brooklyn Paper, brings 25 years of experience covering Brooklyn to the microphone, while DiMiceli, who is responsible for all of the Community News Groups Brooklyn newspapers and speciality publications, started his career in journalism as the Bay Ridge reporter for The Brooklyn Paper back in 1996 and has covered the borough ever since.

“The show has been a long time coming and is, frankly, the fulfillment of a dream for me,” DiMiceli, who interned at WFAN Sports Radio as an undergraduate at St. John’s University, said. “I always knew I would come back to radio, and that time has finally come.”

Kuntzman’s spoken-word experience includes guest appearances on WNYC’s “Brian Lehrer Show” and Pat Kiernan’s 5 pm WABC broadcast, and he has made numerous appearances on BBC radio, where he has been the go-to guy for all things Brooklyn for years.

“Look, it has long been said that I have worked with the best radio has to offer,” Kuntzman said. “But the fact is that won’t actually happen until I sit down next to DiMiceli on Dec. 7. I can’t wait!”

The program will be webcast live every Monday at 4 pm on BrooklynPaper.com, with a library of shows available on the site at brooklynpaper.com/radio.

DiMiceli: Now has his dream job.
Community News Group