
Armed robbery on Montague St

Armed robbers posing as UPS deliverymen held up the Montague Street RadioShack on Tuesday morning, making off with cash and electronics.

Cops said that two thugs walked into the shop, which is between Hicks and Henry streets, at about 8:30 am wearing what store employees described as brown UPS jumpsuits. But they were also packing heat — one of the thieves held a cashier at gunpoint while the other rifled through the cash register and gadget displays.

The two fled with an unidentified amount of cash, a few iPods and other electronics within 15 minutes of their arrival. Reports that the villains left in a UPS truck — reported first by the Daily Eagle — are unconfirmed, and RadioShack employees refused to comment on Wednesday.

Cops dispatched helicopters at around 9 am to patrol the ritzy strip of Brooklyn Heights, but so far no arrests have been made.