
Bag stolen in Red Hook Park

Bag bozo

Someone stole a backpack from two men in Red Hook Park and then demanded money to return the phone inside on April 20.

The 37-year-old victim told cops that he and a friend were exercising in the park, opposite Columbia Street, at around 3:40 pm, when someone made off with the $90 North Face bag, containing an HTC cellphone, credit cards, driver’s license, car keys and $75.

The victim called his phone, and the jerk picked up to say that $200 would assure the phone’s safe return.

Seat creep

Someone stole thousands of dollars in bicycle parts from a Henry Street lobby on April 23.

The 37-yer-old victim said she left her home, located near President Street, at around 9:45 pm, and returned an hour later to find that $2,850 in miscellaneous parts, including a seat, fork, and handlebars were gone.

Bike burglar

Someone stole two bicycles from a Sackett Street home on April 17.

The 47-year-old victim said she left her home, near Court Street, around 8:30 am, and when she returned at 10:45 pm, the wooden frame around her door was damaged, and two bikes, a Cannondale and a Magna, were gone.

— Gary Buiso