Congrats to the Bay Democrats on finding a new home after Hurricane Sandy wiped out their old one.
The Sheepshead Bay political club hasn’t had a regular meeting place since the superstorm — but no longer! Club president Ben Axelrod and District Leader Ari Kagan will bang the gavel at their new stomping ground in Gravesend every Wednesday at 7 pm.
Bring on the serious issues, we say, and Standing O Pal Ari plans to do just that.
“Now that Bay Democrats has a home, we can focus on the issues affecting our community,” he said. Hear, hear.
Standing O welcomes the Bay Dems into their new home and wishes them a long and happy tenure. Go Blue!
Bay Democrats [2508 Coney Island Ave. between Avenue V and Gravesend End Neck Road in Gravesend, (646) 797–6552].