
Bedbug sweep is complete — Campbell, Brown cleared

Bedbug sweep is complete — Campbell, Brown cleared

Cosmo, the legendary bedbug-detecting Jack Russell terrier, sniffed out our Community Newspaper Group offices in Downtown on Saturday morning — just one day after our in-building neighbors at National Grid were infiltrated by the resilient insects.

The heroic pup is trained by his handler, Michael Loughnane of Synergy Scents, to search every crack and crevice for the notorious blood-sucking mites. He was called in by Forest City Ratner as a preemptive move after the bedbugs were spotted in the National Grid annex to 1 Metrotech Center, also known as the Community Newspaper Building. Our 10th-floor office is inaccessible to National Grid (for humans, that is).

It’ll be unclear for a few days whether we’ve been infested — but Cosmo confirmed that both desks belonging to “star” reporters Andy Campbell and Stephen Brown are bedbug-free.

The dog did spend a considerable amount of time in the offices of our editors, Vince DiMiceli and Gersh Kuntzman, though nothing could be inferred by it.

Stay tuned as we wait for the results (our money is on Kuntzman).

Are they among us? At this point, only Cosmo knows.