I don’t care if you’re Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal or Independent, you cannot watch WABC’S very successful “The View” without feeling sorry for the gangbanging of the lone Republican on the panel, Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Although Whoopie Goldberg is much better in that slot than Rosie O’Donnell, she tends to join the gangbang whenever possible and I find the groups debasing the President every chance they can in a way that is offensive to his office and to this country.
And the Italian cumari, Joyce Behar, just waits for any cheap shot she can get, not only to get a forced chuckle but to demean our President whenever she can. Remember, she’s nothing more than a working comedienne and the more offensive she gets, the more she hopes to draw an audience in the comedy clubs. I’m Italian American and I get offended whenever she refers to her Italian upbringing, as though she’s typical. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Now, I know it’s politically incorrect to bring up the “N” word except if you’re black, and Whoopie defends herself using it and other foul language in her act, and objects to anyone taping her using it on U Tube, because she claims its cutting into her livelihood.
If you can see her using the N word all the time for free on U –Tube, who’s gonna pay to hear her say it in her act? Well, at least she’s honest in that respect.
When Barbara Walters is on the panel, she does bring civility and reason to the program.
Walters has arguably interviewed more statesmen and stars than any other journalist in history and she really shows her expertise in keeping these ladies in tow. Too bad she’s not on every day.
There is always a full audience and that I think it’s mainly because “The View” is always giving out gifts and stuff to everyone in the audience. I’m pretty sure that was due to Rosie O’Donnell who used that gimmick in her previous show very often. However, Rosie could not top Oprah’s gifts. Remember when Oprah gave everyone a brand-new car? I went to Sovereign bank opened up a checking account to get $50 gift certificates to Home Depot, and they were reporting it to the IRS on a 1099 form.
Getting back to “The View’s” constant Republican and President bashing, when Elizabeth starts to defend her conservative view, that’s the signal for a group attack. I believe the little blond lady is the only one representing the typical American mother. She’s the freak in the panel because she’s the only one still married and has a child.
The others flaunt their lifestyles, their mores and in some cases, their abortions. The other black lady on the panel is Sherri Sheridan, an accomplished comic and usually pretty nice. The ones that tick me off with their constant negative opinions are Cumari Joyce and Whoopie. To tell the truth, Whoopie isn’t as zany as you would expect her to be and she appears to be well read and rational except when firing at Elizabeth. Got to tell you, she may be small in stature compared to all the other ladies, but when they let her speak her piece she does deliver sound logic and that bothers Whoopie and Joyce.
The only thing is that the program should not be called “The View,” but “the Democratic Liberal View.” It’s that obvious.