Former President Bill Clinton energized a standing-room-only crowd at City Tech in Downtown on Wednesday afternoon, urging the Democratic faithful to get out and vote on Nov. 2 — and vote for Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for governor.
The ringing endorsement — with the king of Brooklyn, Borough President Markowitz, cheering on — was no surprise, of course; Cuomo was Clinton’s Housing secretary, and he’s running against Tea Party standard-bearer Carl Paladino, who horrified Brooklynites earlier this month with anti-gay comments.
Those comments, of course, pleased Cuomo in one respect.
“The more he talks, the better I look,” he said.
Clinton stuck to his usual stump speech, accusing an angry electorate of forgetting the so-recent past.
“The Republicans say we haven’t dug ourselves out of the hole yet — we say, ‘Yes, you’re right. It’s a very big hole,’ ” Clinton said.