
Brooklyn visits increase

According to Borough President Marty Markowitz’s office, there were 13,859,125 million visitors to the borough in 2006, as figures compiled are always a year behind.

The number is up four percent over 2005.

Zustovich said the numbers do not include visitors to Coney Island or the Brooklyn Promenade, but does include Prospect Park.

The top 10 attractions and sites for 2006, with the number of visitors in parentheses, are: New York Aquarium (751,993), Brooklyn Botanic Garden (715,000), Deno’s Wonder Wheel (682,500), BAM (450,000), Keyspan Park (400,000), Brooklyn Museum (373,000), Green-Wood Cemetery (300,000), Jewish Children’s Museum (225,000), Brooklyn Children’s Museum (140,000) and the New York City Transit Museum (95,388).

“The Wildlife Conservation Society’s New York Aquarium provides an entertaining and educational experience for the whole family and we are extremely proud to be Brooklyn’s #1 tourist attraction,” said New York Aquarium Director Jon Forrest Dohlin.

By Stephen Witt