
Brooklyn’s Brave New World Repertory finale

Brooklyn’s Brave New World Repertory Theater wraps up its 2008 Play Reading Salon Series with two beautiful Brooklyn vistas: a rooftop view of Park Slope by night and a floating barge view of NYC harbor by day.

The food, wine and reading series ends with shows at the Prospect Park YMCA, 357 Ninth Street, May 17 (dinner at 7:30 p.m. and reading at 8 p.m.) and at the Waterfront Museum, 290 Conover Street @Pier 44 (next to the Fairway parking lot) in Red Hook, May 18, with brunch at 12:30 p.m. and the reading at 1 p.m.

For tickets, priced at $18, call 718-469-5275.

The reading will be “The School for Wives,” Moliere’s first great play, which concerns an insecure man who contrives to show the world how to rig an infallible alliance by marrying the perfect bride