
Brute knocks out man and robs him

60th Precinct

Coney Island—Brighton Beach—Seagate

Knocked out

A brute knocked a man unconscious and then robbed him on Bay View Avenue on May 24.

Cops say the baddie approached the victim from behind while he was near W. 36th Street at around 11:30 a.m. and stuck him in the head. When the victim regained consciousness, he was missing his wallet and cellphone, according to police.

Elder abuse

Cops cuffed a woman who they say assaulted a 72-year-old man on 17th Avenue on May 25.

The 32-year-old perp punched the victim in the face, causing severe bruises, at approximately 7:30 p.m. near Bay Ridge Avenue, cops said.

Police tracked down and arrested the woman later that day, according to authorities.

Fast-food getaway

A thief stole expensive equipment from a Stillwell Avenue restaurant sometime between April 16 and May 23.

The owner of the eatery, located between Bowery Street and Surf Avenue, told police he closed the fast-food joint for the winter, and visited on April 16 to check on things.

When he returned about a month later, though, he found a bandit had made off with a sound system, surveillance equipment, and other electronics, according to police.

Brighton burglar

A home invader looted a Brighton Third Street home on May 23.

The burglar broke into the residence between Ocean View and Brighton Beach avenues sometime between 8 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and took off with $500 and a cellphone, cops said.

Subway swiper

A sneak thief robbed a subway rider at Stillwell Avenue station on May 22.

The baddie grabbed a backpack from an unaware victim, who had placed the bag on the ground next to him as he was waiting for the stalled train to begin service, at around 4:30 p.m., police reported. The thief took the bag and got off the train before it left the station, cops said.

Credit card criminal

A con artist charged $5,628 to an E. Seventh Street man’s credit card on April 7.

The victim, who lives between Gerald Court and Kathleen Place, received a bill in the mail for multiple unknown charges on the card, which never left his possession, according to police.

Night terror

A filcher robbed a man who asleep on Coney Island Avenue on May 25.

The victim told police he was walking home from a bar at approximately 10 p.m., when he stopped to rest on the steps of building between Brighton Eighth Court and Guider Avenue. While the victim was sleeping, a bandit stole his belt, watches, and jewelry, according to police.

— Aidan Graham