Mill Basin
I have a dream…
Applause, applause. Put your hands together for Austin Ferrazzano and Pamella Leybengrub, this year’s winners of the Black History month essay and art contest sponsored by Assemblyman Alan Maisel (D–Mill Basin). Both students are in the fifth grade at PS 312. The budding artist and essayist received accolades at a ceremony held at the school and received certificates of merit from our pal Assemblyman Maisel last week. The tweens were challenged with the task of writing or presenting an art project about an African-American in government, science, medicine, education, entertainment, literature, business, and the arts that they most admire, and what his or her individual contributions were. Austin won first-prize for his art presentation and Pamella won first-prize for her essay.
PS 312 [7103 Avenue T at E. 70th Street in Mill Basin, 718-763–4015].
Reach reporter Joanna DelBuono at or by calling (718) 260-2523.