New year, same pressing concerns.
At a 94th Precinct Community Council meeting (807 Manhattan Avenue), Deputy Inspector Dennis Fulton outlined the community’s concerns over a rise in thefts and noise complaints from local bars and clubs.
“Today we have a burglar, we know he is a burglar, and we’ve locked him up,” said Fulton.
Fulton not only emphasized that his officers are catching burglars but also urged residents to keep their valuables, particularly electronics such as iPods and laptop computers in a safe place,
So far this year, there have been eight burglaries and nine grand larcenies in Northside Williamsburg and Greenpoint, compared with 11 burglaries and 10 grand larcenies in 2009 over the same period. That represents a 27.3 percent drop in burglaries from 2009, but a 33.3 percent rise in burglaries from 2008, over the same period. Grand larcenies, while down 50 percent from levels two years ago have nevertheless increased 76.3 percent since 2001 while the number of burglaries since 2001 has remained virtually unchanged as other violent crime categories have seen decreases.
While not recorded under major crime statistics, community members nevertheless reiterated complaints regarding noise and overcrowding in neighborhood bars. One resident highlighted concerns about Club Exit, which closed last week on its own terms after 15 years in Greenpoint, and The Production Lounge, which has inspired ire from neighbors after a shooting in February last year and an event featuring male strippers this past October.
Fulton noted that his precinct officers monitor bars and clubs for rowdiness but that some businesses may be operating as of right and a vibrant commercial scene is important for North Brooklyn. For those that are a neighborhood nuisance, said Fulton, officers must use their discretion in a case by case basis.
“Business adds to the community. It’s a lot easier to walk to a supermarket, I’d rather walk than drive, but sometimes there are businesses that are taking away from the community,” said Fulton.