To the editor,
Your story, “Brooklyn’s Deer Hunter” (Sep. 7) — a question-and-answer article with author-hunter Steven Rinella — drew my attention.
Wow, it is a can’t-put-down article in my estimation because Rinella’s life seems so exciting, so interesting.
However, the article left me with many questions. I do wish it was fleshed out more thoroughly and included Rinella’s biography.
Was he a boy or eagle scout? Did he go camping as a young’un? How old is he? Does he have children? Does he take his family on his many trips? Did his father take him hunting when Steven was a young teen?
Was he brought up in a city, or in a rural area? What kind of employment has he held? It’s certainly not been behind a desk! Did he ever encounter dangerous experiences confronting animals? What in particular ultimately led him to the many places he has visited?
In my dreams, I wish I could carry his equipment for him, just once. The adventure would thrill me to no end, though I wouldn’t watch, as he shot at the animals!
I will ask for his book “Meat Eater: Adventures from the Life of an American Hunter” at the library. Looks like a really good read.
Joan Applepie
Mill Basin
Parachute funk
To the editor,
We don’t know if Coney island will get the observation wheel — “Blunder Wheel! Aug. 30 — but why couldn’t the Parachute Jump have an elevator taking people up to an observation deck?
It could also have concession stands. It’s world famous, people will come.
Jerome Frank
Coney Island
‘Ingrate’ Hynes
To the editor,
District Attorney Charles Hynes would be an ingrate if he did prosecute his benefactor Assemblyman Vito Lopez (“Hynes: I won’t go after Vito,” Sep. 6).
I am reminded of Tammany Hall boss Carmine De Sapio who helped Robert F. Wagner become mayor in 1953.
Wagner was elected mayor in 1957. But when Mayor Wagner ran and got re-elected for a third term at City Hall, he had a councilman from Greenwich Village named Ed Koch unseat De Sapio for improprieties.
When asked if the mayor felt guilty, Wagner’s response was that the only reason De Sapio selected him was because he (Wagner) was a good man.
Also, let us not forget that three out of four U.S. Supreme Court justices selected by Richard Nixon after he became president in 1968 ruled against him, and forced the beleaguered president to surrender the tapes that led him to resign.
Bill Rehnquist, who was previously an assistant attorney general in the U.S. Justice Department, disqualified himself, and with a Supreme Court ruling of 8-0, July 24, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first president to resign.
Elliott Abosh
Brighton Beach
Word war
To the editor,
Ari Kagan and Ben Axelrod — running in the Democratic Primary for district leader and assemblyman in the 45th Assembly District against incumbents Michael Geller and Steven Cymbrowitz, respectfully — issued a position paper complaining about the rise in crime in the “negrohood.”
When they saw the negative reaction, Axelrod tried to say it was a typo. I don’t buy it. Typos usually occur by a one-letter mistake. The word “negrohood” leaves out the letters “i,” “h” and “b” that are in the word “neighborhood” and reverses the “r” and “o.” It was not a typo.
Giving them the benefit of the doubt, it could be a Freudian slip or just plain stupidity, however it probably was deliberate.
Either one of the above disqualifies them for elected office.
A. Strickoff
Mayor BOO-berg
To the editor:
When Mayor Bloomberg cried like he wanted control of the school system he thought he could fix a broken system. Well to no one’s surprise nothing has really improved has it? He made a big issue of standards for the improvement of school scores and the reality of it hasn’t improved that much, although he would disagree about this.
All this time, how many changes have taken place under his control? To many to remember. His choice of chancellor was a dud. The principal academy was another joke. They went to school to learn to be principals when none ever taught in the school system.
The biggest insult happened a few winters ago, when some one decided to cancel buses for small kids in the dead of winter and give them MetroCards. I wonder who thought of this great idea.
It just make me sad to read about the amount of schools have closed under Mayor Bloomberg. There has been so many I’ve lost count. So what does the mayor do with these closed schools? He fires the principal, the teachers and renames the school. New principals who have never taught a day in the school system. What a sad day for the children of these schools
Let’s blame the teachers for children who come into school with an attitude problem. The students who choose not to learn but, make it difficult for the students who want to learn. Many would love to see the 600 schools come back for the student who’s are disruptive. I don’t think that will ever happen again.
How come less resources are put into low-performing schools while the better schools get more money, I wonder? I remember years ago, a very good teacher was in the process of being let go.The parents took up a collection to pay the salary of the teacher. The same could not be said in poverty areas, since many families don’t have the financial resources to do the same.
Jerry Sattler
Brighton Beach
Voicer battle
To the editor,
I wish to respond to the comment made about myself from Bertha Husband (“Take Ed Greenspan off your letters page!” Letters to the Editor, Sep. 7).
Does she actually think I enjoyed writing about my colleague and friend who passed away in June? I mentioned him because he was the embodiment of what a teacher is supposed to be, and that during his years in the city school system, he and others like him never got the recognition they deserved.
As far as my Avenue Z co-operative, assembly candidate Ben Akselrod had a meeting recently where abuses of co-op boards was the topic. Apparently, then, my co-operative is not the only one with a tyrannical board.
The world is not all sugar-coated with Mary Poppins flying around. There are problems that need to be addressed.
How ironic life is. Another regular contributor to the page, Ugo Rosiello, was the former principal of IS 228. That’s the school I transferred to in 1988 after 19 years in another school. I remained there until 2001 when I retired. In fact, he and I addressed the graduating class of 2003.
Ed Greenspan
Sheepshead Bay
‘Happy’ Election Day
To the editor,
I was born on November 6, 1928. It was Election Day.
That evening Herbert Hoover, a Republican, was elected president of the U.S.
This year, 84 years later, my birthday is again on Election Day Could it be that history will repeat itself? It will be interesting to see.
Ugo M. Rosiello
Mill Island
Flyer therapy
To the editor,
I love Kohl’s. I shop there all the time. I love their sales and most of their merchandise is of good quality, although none of it is made in the good old U.S.A. But that’s for another time.
What I dislike about Kohl’s is that I am overwhelmed by their numerous flyers. I get two or three every week — you know, the ones that come in the plastic bag, which advertises Kohl’s on the outside as well?
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to have a monthly, or better yet, a quarterly flyer, rather than a weekly one? We would have less to recycle, and think about the trees that would be spared. We are not so dumb that we couldn’t hold on to a monthly sales flier.
Frankly I am sick and tired of all the paper recycling every week. My recycling garbage can gets heavier and heavier. I’m beginning to think of it as a form of harassment.
I know I could put that cute little sign out front that says, “No sales flyers please,” but that won’t work for me because I am on a budget and I shop for sales items.
The same goes for Sears, Macy’s, and J.C. Penney. Where is there a J.C. Penney anyway, anywhere in Brooklyn?
Jo Bisogno
Old Mill Basin
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