

A car and a motorcycle were stolen within hours of each other on Jan. 9.

The motorcycle, a yellow Daytona worth $9,500, was parked by its owner on Pierrepont Plaza near Cadman Plaza at around 3 pm. A mere two hours later, the man returned to discover his ride had disappeared.

The car — a 1995 Chevy van probably worth less than the bike — was parked on Schermerhorn Street near Clinton Street around noon. By 5 pm, the van had vanished.

Ladle violence

A violent drunk attacked his neighbor with a ladle and bit off part of his thumb early in the morning on Jan. 13.

It was an ordinary morning at the 30-year-old victim’s Albee Square apartment building near Willoughby Street when, abruptly, another man who lives in the building stormed into the apartment, crashing through the door and swinging his ladle.

The two struggled, and the drunk bit the victim on the arm and hand, at one point biting off the tip of the man’s thumb.

Fortunately, another resident helped restrained the angry alcoholic until police arrived, taking the man into custody and keeping the ladle as evidence.


Some victims of robberies feel as if they have been kicked in the stomach, which was literally true in the case of a woman riding the J train on Jan. 7.

The 22-year-old was on a Brooklyn-bound train near the Lawrence Street station around noon when two men came up to her. Without a word, one of them kicked her in the midsection and grabbed the brand-new iPhone from her hand.