I’m madder than a one of my readers trying to find me on Brook
Look, you all know the ol’Screecher has been coming up with nuggets of information for more years than we would all like to recall, and I bet many of you are thinking that it is pretty easy to put together a stream-of-concise column such as mine without much work or thought.
Well, I’m here to tell you from years of experience that that is certainly not the case.
And sometimes only my least-favorite activities lead me to the gems you read every week, which, of course, forces me to re-live the many hellish nightmares that sometimes make up my life.
On the bright side, though, (because I am Mr. Brightside), sometimes one of my hated trips on my own personal chariot take me places I never expected to go — like, say, East Flatbush — and me and my lovely wife Sharon take a trip down memory lane that was a joy for everyone involved!
Said trip happened this week, when a wonderful driver picked us up (on time for a change) and took us out to the beautiful Gateway Plaza, and my favorite shopping experience — Targets!
Me and Sharon picked up about $50 worth of the necessities we find necessary for living, and were ready to go back home.
Now, sometimes (and when I say “sometimes” I mean “most of the times”), we have to share a ride with someone else, and this time was no different, as hitching a ride with us was a wonderful woman who was heading home to the Ebbets Field Apartments.
No, I don’t need to tell you that the Ebbets Field Apartments are in Flatbush, and we were out near where Duke Snider’s home runs would land near Canarsie!
That said, the trip to Flatbush, with all the traffic involved, was not a short one. In fact, it was a two-hour detour! But I guess you get what you pay for.
Thankfully, it was a trip down memory lane for my bride, who grew up in the area, and got to see the house she was born in, the schools she went to, and the place that used to be her favorite candy store, not to mention Betsyhead Park (which I just mentioned!)! She also learned that they moved the precinct down to Flatbush Avenue.
Of course, all this made my head spin, because I had no idea where I was, having been born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan before escaping to the dirt roads of Bensonhurst at the tender age of 19.
Just the thought of not knowing where I was was making me turn yellow for two reasons: One, I didn’t know where I was, and Two, I really needed to hit the head.
I was getting really nervous thinking I wasn’t going to make it until I finally saw the Cherry Blossom of the beautiful Brooklyn Botanic Garden, putting me in my place and letting me know that I would be home sometime shortly thenceforward.
The good news is I made it on time, and we got to meet some nice people and relive out past lives.
Hope you enjoyed this story of hope.
Screech at you next week!