A lawyer for the controversial Club Shadows went on the offensive this week, calling local officials’ attempt to shut down the Third Avenue nightspot a “witch hunt” and vowing to beat them when the club’s case comes before state officials.
“This is a witch hunt and neighborhood hysteria brought about by misinformed group of churchgoers who mistakenly thought Shadows was a strip club, and perpetuated by a politician who only knows how to pander,” said William Spanakos, the lawyer.
The “politician” in this story is Councilman Vince Gentile (D–Bay Ridge), who unfairly targeted Club Shadows after mistakenly thinking it was going to open as a strip club, Spanakos said.
State Liquor Authority inspectors did find flies in several booze bottles at Club Shadows’ opening in November.
“What happened [was] that the rumors of the strippers turned out to be false and this pandering Gentile is still trying to cash in,” Spanakos said. “He brought the SLA in, they inspected every bottle in our place and find a few flies.
“Are you kidding me?” Spanakos added. “Do you know how many bottles in Bay Ridge have one or two flies? This man is a joke.”
Joke or no joke, the charges still stand.
“These are serious charges and he is going to have to answer to community,” Gentile told The Brooklyn Paper.
The club remains at risk of losing its liquor license pending the outcome of the charges, said SLA spokesman Bill Crowley.
“They have two real options,” Crowley said. “They could make a plea agreement or go before a judge.”
Club Shadows got on community radar screens only after sign featuring a curvy silhouette and the words “exotic dancers” appeared on the club, which is on Third Avenue between 90th and 91st streets.
But the strippers never materialized, and owner Joseph Domovsky insisted it was only a misunderstanding. But Gentile showed up at the opening with SLA officers, who issued the famous fly citation.
A more serious charge of not having a properly registered liquor license is also pending.
“Not having [it] could possibly result in revoking the license,” Crowley added.
Spanakos countered: “More witch hunts. There is a valid license on the premises, but it is in transition and we have submitted a name change to abide by the law.
“We are exercising our rights with the SLA,” Spanakos added.
It is you newspaper people, who are in love with sensational stories and splash front pages with nonsense, that have made this a story — and that pandering Gentile is quick to follow.”