47th Council District
A fierce fight is underway to replace powerful three-term Councilman Domenic Recchia in the district spanning Coney Island, Seagate, and parts of Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Gravesend — an area battered during Hurricane Sandy, but home to some of the most prized real estate in the borough. All three candidates have attacked each other as being uninvolved in the community prior to running, or for representing powerful outside interests.
Todd Dobrin
• Former Community Board 13 member, president of Friends of the Boardwalk, union electrician.
• Garnered wide attention for opposing city plan to convert Boardwalk to artificial wood and concrete, claims that stance got him kicked off CB13 in 2011.
• 42, married, one daughter.
• Community Board 13 member, former Council staffer.
• Worked as a longtime aide to Council Speaker Christine Quinn, which he says meant working closely with Recchia, one of her allies.
• 33, married, two children.
• High school teacher, former aide to Assemblyman Bill Colton (D–Bensonhurst).
• Worked as a spokesman to Colton, and helped organize campaign against planned Waste Transfer Station at the end of Bay 41st Street.
• 31, married, one daughter.
• Lisyanskiy has attacked Treyger for receiving support from powerful pro-developer groups including the Real Estate Board of New York and the Small Business Coalition, and for having moved out of the district last year to Bergen Beach, only to move back in time to run for the Council seat. He has also called Treyger “a puppet” of Colton.
• Todd Dobrin has alleged Lisyanskiy “has no record in the district,” claiming Lisyanskiy absent from the discussions about the Boardwalk and about the 2009 rezoning.
• Lisyanskiy called Dobrin “an empty suit,” claiming Friends of the Boardwalk has done nothing under Dobrin’s leadership.
• Small Business Coalition and the Real Estate Board financed ads accusing Lisyanskiy of accepting donations from tax dodgers and credit card fraudsters.