
Cops cuff two teen punks for vandalism and obstruction

88th Precinct

Fort Greene–Clinton Hill

Caught ‘em both

Police cuffed one teen for vandalizing a cop car and another for trying to stop the vandal’s arrest on South Portland Avenue on Dec. 10.

An officer arrived near Hanson Place at about 4:45 pm to respond to an assault when the 19-year-old suspect wrecked his cop car causing about $250 in damage, police said. The other 19-year-old suspect then tried to block cops from arresting his friend, pushed the officer, and tried to take a swing at him, according to authorities. Cops found a knife on one of the suspects, officials said.

Caught the charlatan

Cops arrested a guy on Dec. 15 for trying to cash a fake check from a woman’s account inside a Myrtle Avenue bank.

The victim told police she got a call from her bank that the 58-year-old scammer had tried to cash a fraudulent check for $3,900 from her account inside the bank near Clinton Avenue a little before noon, officials said.

Shattered and snatched

Some sticky-fingered thief stole a woman’s bag from her car parked on Waverly Avenue on Dec.16, police said.

The victim told cops she had parked her four-wheeler near Atlantic Avenue at midnight and found her back window smashed when she returned almost three hours later. The jerk had reached in and stolen her handbag and credit cards, according to authorities.

— Julianne Cuba