Popped into pen
An 18-year-old was in custody on June 1 after he and an accomplice attacked another teen on East 84th Street and Flatlands Avenue.
Officials said that suspect Justin Woods and his cohort approached their victim at 1:35 pm, asking him “What’s poppin?” before attacking and leaving him with light injuries.
Responding officers grabbed Woods and his unnamed conspirator a short time later, charging them both with assault in the third degree and criminal possession of marijuana.
Located and collared
A thief who nearly ran over someone after he raided a truck was tracked down and arrested on June 6.
Cops were told James Bethel, 55, was seen breaking into a truck April 16 on East 100th Street and Foster Avenue, removing two microwaves.
He put the microwaves into his Ford Explorer and drove off, nearly hitting the operator of the truck he had just raided.
Sources said Bethel’s victim noted his license plate, making it easy for cops to track him down later.
Police charged him with attempted assault, reckless endangerment and burglary in the third degree.
Hating to love
Cops were called to East 99th Street on June 3 as a domestic spat threatened to become deadly.
Police said that they were called to the address, which is between Foster Avenue and Farragut Road, at 11:10 pm as a 20-year-old woman threatened a male relative with a knife.
Cops took the woman into custody, charging her with menacing and criminal possession of a weapon.
Bar rumble
Shoes were flying during a catfight inside a Flatlands club that spilled out into the street on May 31.
Officials said that at 4:30 am two women struck a third female club hopper in the head with their shoes, leaving her with light injuries.
The ensuing brawl was too big for the bar to contain, and soon bled outside the night spot on Avenue J and Utica Avenue to the corner of Avenue J and East 49th Street, where a second woman was struck in the head with a shoe.
Responding officers arrested the three shoe assailants a short time later.
Followed and stabbed
A blade-wielding thug wanted the last word in an argument with a 24-year-old on June 2, police said.
The victim said the argument with the 20-year-old stranger started on Glenwood Road near East 59th Street in Flatlands at 11:10 pm. He thought the argument ended when he stormed off, but his opponent followed him for a short distance, then jumped him, stabbing him in the stomach and arm.
Business raid
A gun-toting thief held up a Flatlands Avenue office on May 24 as a worker opened up for business.
The merchant told police that he was lifting the security shutters to the office, which is between East 59th Street and Ralph Avenue, at 7:45 am when the thief ran up and pulled a gun.
The thief forced the 36-year-old employee to fork over $500, his credit cards and a cell phone.
Cops were still looking for the thief as this paper went to press.
Stabbed and robbed
A crew of thieves stabbed a 25-year-old in the neck during a bloody robbery on May 26.
The victim told police that the thieves jumped him just before 8:15 pm at the corner of Avenue I and East 34th Street, demanding his cellphone.
In the ensuing fisticuffs the victim was stabbed in the neck and was taken to the hospital for treatment. Three of the four thieves were arrested.
Help wipe out graffiti
As the ongoing war against graffiti vandalism continues, cops are offering a $500 reward to anyone with information that can help them arrest neighborhood vandals.
The hefty reward is part of the city’s ongoing push to rid New York of graffiti, the leading quality of life complaint brought to police.
Anyone with information about graffiti vandalism in their neighborhood is urged to contact either 311 or 911.